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kiwi report has been recently published. This document focused on 2012 aims at providing a detailed overview of this fruit which is exported to five continents.

Tuesday, 27 December 2016 12:15

Taking stock on kiwifruit

The information published by CSO (Centro Servizi Ortofrutticoli – fruit and vegetable service centre) include figures, data and statistics at international level, addressing several interesting topics: from production to consumption, through new markets and potential trade, without forgetting current and estimated exports.

Among the most interesting data let’s start pointing out those dealing with production. Italy’s key role has been confirmed once again, as it ranks second in the world rating, second only to China.

They are followed by New Zealand, Chile and Greece. Which is the reason for the geographical and production heterogeneity of these countries located at different longitudes and characterized by extremely differentiated seasons? The answer lies in the sales and distribution sphere, a crucial factor as regards production as well.

A few trade-related issues should be highlighted too. The kiwifruit market is strongly export-oriented, a feature which is shared by all the main producing and exporting countries: Italy, New Zealand, Chile and Greece.

As far as made-in-Italy products are concerned, they are quite significantly oriented toward foreign markets:
 Italian exports account for 60% of overall exports from the Northern hemisphere countries. 80% of Italian kiwis are imported by the European Union countries, followed by Russia, Northern America and Far East. 

A few words about retail purchasing

At the beginning of the 21st century purchases amounted to 77,000 tons while today they have reached 124,000 tons. Although the growth peak was recorded until 2007, it should be noted that levels have remained steady in recent years.  Taking into account the drop in consumption which affected many sectors with serious consequences, this fact is certainly positive and encouraging.

Source: CSO Centro Servizi Ortofrutticoli (fruit and vegetable service centre)